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Connect using Outlook on the desktop

It is recommend that you first Set up Microsoft Authenticator since you may be asked to use it to verify your login.

Option A: You are new to Outlook

If you have a fresh installation of Outlook on the desktop, connecting is relatively straightforward. Most users will be able to simply sign in using their username and password, and verify their login using the Microsoft Authenticator App.

Option B: You already use Outlook with your old LGA account

You'll still need to set up Outlook to work with the new M365 account.

Note: If you were a heavy Outlook user before the migration, before removing your old LGA IMAP account from your profile, it is important that you spot-check that all your private email folders have been correctly transferred to the new M365 account. Outlook's synchronization with IMAP servers was not 100% reliable. If for some reason your old Outlook setup was not synchronizing correctly back to the LGA server, your new account may be missing data. Contact me for assistance.

Option C: You already use Outlook for a non-LGA account

If you are already using Outlook with a non-LGA account, you can either:

1. Add the new LGA M365 account to your existing profile.

This is usually preferred if you are the only person using the Windows login on the computer. This will allow you to use both accounts from within the same Outlook session. (Data in the accounts will still remain separate.)


2. Create a new, separate Outlook profile.

This is the appropriate choice if there are multiple people sharing the same Windows login on the computer. To switch between the two accounts you'll restart Outlook.

  • Create a new Outlook profile at: File -> Account Settings -> Manage Profiles.
  • Start Outlook with the new profile and Sign into your account

Troubleshooting Notes

  • In all cases the type of the new account you need to add is "Microsoft Exchange". If you find yourself presented with a screen for setting up IMAP account, you're in the wrong place. 'X' that window to close, and try adding a new account.