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Booking Meeting Rooms

To book a meeting room, create a meeting and set the room as its location. You can do this with or without using Scheduling Assistant.


You cannot book rooms by creating events directly in the room calendar. You must create an appointment or meeting in your own calendar and add/invite the room to the meeting.

1. Create the meeting invite

Create a New Appointment or New Meeting in your calendar. You will be the meeting organizer.


Inviting others is optional. You can create an appointment just for yourself to book a room

2. Add a room

There are a few ways to do this, and all will have the same result. There only difference is in what info is available to you during the process. If the room is available it will be reserved automatically and the meeting added to its calendar.

In all cases you will receive an email reply from the room notifying you that it has either Accepted or Declined the booking.

If you already know the room you want to book is free

Simply use the Location button and double-click the room in the list to add it to the invite.

If you want a specific room and are flexible on the time

Using Scheduling Assistant, click Add Rooms to pick the room. The room will be added to the timeline where you can view its availability.

If you want a specific time and are flexible on the room

Using Scheduling Assistant, first set your meeting time, then click Room Finder and enter LGA 310 Spadina in the building search box. Room Finder will show you which rooms are available for your chosen meeting time.


If you want to be able to monitor room availability from outside the booking process, you can add room calendars to your profile. See the Outlook FAQ