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Frequently Asked Questions

This page will be updated frequently as new questions are added.

Getting Started

Do I need Device Enrolment if I do not want email on my mobile device?

No. You only need to enrol a device if you want to use it to access LGA email / contacts / calendar.

When do we need to do Device Enrolment?

It is recommended you perform device enrolment on your devices now to make sure it works, but you will not be required to do this until the new year. You will be notified again before it is enforced.

Can we log into M365 from iPad

Yes. All modern Windows, MacOS, iOS, and Android systems are supported.

Will we need to periodically change our passwords?

No, you will not be required to periodically change your password. The combination of choosing a strong password to begin with, not re-using passwords across multiple sites, and using MFA is provides enough security.

How will we login to laptops?

The desktop and laptop login process is not changing at this time. This will happen sometime in the new year.

How large are the apps that get added to the phone?

The apps themselves are not large and won't have an appreciable impact on your storage space. Outlook and the built-in Mail apps will take up more space depending on the size of your inbox and how long back you choose to synchronize emails.

Microsft Outlook        270MB
Microsoft Authenticator 131MB
Company Portal           55MB
To Do                   104MB

Do we need a password manager app?

You do not need one specifically for LGA purposes, although I recommend them for everyone. They make life so much easier. (One client tell me it was the best IT investment they had made all year.)

Are password manager apps secure?

Nothing is infallable, but they are the most secure method that is still user-friendly, and are universally recommended by security experts. For the typical user they will be more secure than other methods of password generation and storage and are the most secure method that is remains practical for everyday use.

MFA / Microsoft Authenticator

When do we need to install MFA?

You should enrol in MFA now to make sure it works. It will required very soon.

Do I need MFA even if I do not want email on my mobile device?

Yes, MFA is required for all users.

Do I need to install MS Authenticator on my desktop or laptop?

No, Microsoft Authenticator is only for mobile devices. You do not need to add anything to your desktop or laptop.

Will we be asked for MFA verification at every login?

No, you will not be asked to verify your login with MFA every time. You will be asked if you are logging into an unrecognized device. You may be asked in other situations.

Different providers may have different policies for MFA. We will endeavour to not create too much friction for LGA logins.

If I forget my phone at home, is there another way to log in?

If you are prompted to authorize a login using MFA, you will need to provide an MFA factor. You can register more than one device for MFA, for instance if you have a tablet and a phone. You can also register an alternate factor such as a secondary email address.

I have set up Authenticator but am not getting codes. Why?

If you are having problems you can ask to have your MFA reset.


Will there be a period where we will not have email access?

Briefly, during the night of the cutover and final synchronization. We'll try to keep this window as short as possible (i.e. on the order of an hour or two.)

Will all personal folders migrate?

Yes. Everything will come across and will remain in folders. The email organization structure is not changing at this time.

Do we have to download the Outlook app to get email on our phone?

No. You can use the built-in apps if you prefer, or the Outlook web client from the browser.

Why are there no messages in my inbox?

There will not be any messages into your mailbox until the cutover.

Why hasn't my test message arrived?

Email will not flow into the new mailboxes until the cutover.

How do I set my autoresponder?

See Setting up auto replies


Can I connect to webmail using my mobile device?

Yes, you can use any browser on your mobile device to access the Outlook web client.


Where is my calendar?

Your calendar is integrated directly into Outlook Desktop, Mobile, and web apps

Will there be a separate calendar on iOS?

The Microsoft calendar is it's own calendar and will co-exist with the built-in Apple calendar.

Will all existing meetings show up in new calendar?

Yes, everything will be migrated.


Why do I only see phone numbers for my contacts in iOS Messages?

You can connect your contacts to Exchange to have iOS recognize phone numbers from your Exchange contacts.