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Cutover Window Details

Sending Mail

During the cutover window and beyond, you will still be able to send mail out on the old platform. Any mail sent on the old platform will be periodically copied over to the new platform. This will continue for a couple of days until everyone has settled into the new system.

You should avoid sending mail from the new system before the cutover.

Receiving Mail

At some point tonight within the cutover window, new mail will stop arriving on the old platform and begin arriving on the new platform. I will send a final message to your old account you when this happens. From that point forward new email from outside senders will only arrive in Outlook.

Calendars & Contacts

If you have calendars and contacts stored in the cloud, they may be offline during the cutover window. Please do not make changes during this time, as they may not be reflected in the new system.

New System

After the cutover you will be able to use Outlook on the web on any device, as we tested before the break.